This is your weekly dose of Golf Well: eating, thinking and training your way to a better game and a bigger life.
I love a good burger, steak, or slice of pepperoni pizza.
I even love bland old grilled chicken (because I’m weird).
But I’ve been experimenting with swapping out red meat and chicken with more eggs and fish.
Not for any weight loss or gain purposes, but just to see how I feel.
I’ve gone from red meat 1-2x per week down to 1-2x per month, and chicken or fish in meals 1-2 meals per day to once every 3-4 lunches or dinners.
I’ve swapped with 3 whole eggs and 1-3 egg whites (4-6 eggs total).
Overall, I feel less sluggish and weighted down after a meal (which is typically loaded with tons of vegetables, no refined sugar and plenty of healthy fats such as egg yolk, avocado, coconut oil and/or raw nuts).
This combo has been extremely filling and satisfying.
Will I ever cut meat out entirely? 99.99% NO WAY. I love it too much.
But I can cut back on it.
I’m curious to know if this is something you’ve been thinking about trying, or would be willing to try. Reach out to me and let me know!
I would suggest replacing any of the calories you feel you’re missing with one of the fat sources I mentioned above as opposed to refined sugars or carbohydrates.
You can check out to see the immense benefits cutting 10% of meat out of your daily intake can have on you, animals and the planet.
New York City has so much to offer. But no matter where we are, we can always adjust our mindset to open up to new opportunities.
I’ve thought about what to start saying “yes” to more.
And in turn, what to say “no” to more.
It’s a simple answer: Say “yes” to things that bring me more joy and fulfillment, and “no” to everything else.
I love structure, discipline and routine. But these little days or even weeks with more random activities can open new doors and bring us closer to things that enhance the daily grind.
  • I cleared my calendar on Wednesday for a twilight 9 holes Thursday evening with some awesome friends
  • I spent time in Times Square (my least favorite place in the city) late Saturday night, and just took it in.
  • I partied at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) on a Monday night. (ps I still made it to my morning yoga class. Because I said yes to that, too damnit! pss I fell asleep very early on Tuesday night.)​​​​​​​
The mindset of allowing things to flow, without as much rigid structure helps me enjoy the present moment more, and appreciate the times when schedules fall into place.
But when they don’t, channeling the spontaneous moments and recognizing how they always work out has helped me adjust more and stress less. A solid combo.
Physiologically, the golf swing is quite an unnatural, asymmetric movement.
Hunching over a laptop and mobile device for hours at a time can take its toll, too.
I’ve spent most of this week in “active recovery” mode: training balance, alignment and posture without completely stopping my workouts. This morning meditation/yoga session on a NYC rooftop was JUST what I needed.
(Side note, I’m SO ready to lift things again)
What that’s helped me most, has been the combination of yoga and these shoulder/upper back mobility exercises Lindsay Becker gave me (post-cupping extravaganza).
Here’s what I’ve been adding in:
  • Upper body rolling pattern (keeping lower body quiet) with one hand behind head
    • ​​​​​​​This forces an opening of the chest and activation of lower scap/trap muscles
  • ​​​​​​​Swimmers​​​​​​​
    • ​​​​​​​Keeping arms and elbows as high as possible above the ground
  • ​​​​​​​Hands behind head shoulder squeezes
  • Golf posture shoulder squeeze & rotate arms up w/ band
  • Forearm plank protraction
    • ​​​​​​​Squeezing shoulder blades in so upper body dips, without losing abdominal contraction or compromising lower spine alignment
  • ​​​​​​​Bird/dog with resistance band crossed underneath you
All of these moves are designed to create space in your chest, make you taller in your posture, and help counteract spinal curvature.
“Happiness is not something readymade. It comes from your own actions.” – Dalai Lama
Create your own joy, friends.
Questions? Don’t hesitate to reach out. The best way to find me is on Twitter orInstagram.
Miss last week’s email? Read it here.
Until next week!
p.s. We’re having our FIRST Golf Well Live event on Tuesday, June 21st in Manhattan! If you’re interested in learning more, please reply to this email or reach out on Twitter or Instagram. Spots will start to fill up fast, and attendance is limited!
p.s.s. As always, if you know someone who would find this information helpful, forward this along and have them sign up at Thanks!