This is your weekly dose of Golf Well: eating, thinking and training your way to a better game and a bigger life.

I can’t work out on a full stomach, but I can’t seem to feel the energy to do it on a totally empty one, either.

It’s a problem when I want to work out first thing in the morning.

My solution lately has been to grab a handful of raw, whole cashews (I get mine from Trader Joe’s).

I’ve found that they’re the right amount of filling without immobilizing me.

I prefer them over bananas or a piece of fruit because they’re calorically a bit heavier and don’t give me the same insulin spike (which, for me, goes away after 30 minutes and I start feeling sluggish).


Anyone else a natural-born perfectionist? (Guilty)

It’s U.S. Open Week. I’m hosting my first live event next week (if you’re in NYC, come!).

The workload (and stress that comes with it) is adding up.

I’ll feel overwhelmed and sometimes start to mentally spiral into stress mode. I’ll catch myself saying things like:

  • I should be farther ahead at work
  • If only I could have done a better job with Facebook engagement yesterday
  • What if nobody shows up to my event??

The reality is, that’s not the reality, unless I make it so.

One way I’m able to get back into the present is to make everything less of a big deal.

I’ll rebut these self-inhibiting phrases with things like:

  • You’re exactly where you need to be
  • What were your biggest wins of the day?
  • Who cares?! You’re doing it, and you’ll attract exactly who needs to be there

Life is stressful, especially during those busy weeks where it feels like we need to be in 12 places at once.

Accepting that things are going to be crazy, hectic, and aren’t all going to go right makes the process way more enjoyable.

That’s life.

Stressing over it won’t make anything better.



With it being U.S. Open Week (follow along with all my co-workers’ awesome coverage!), I’ve had to condense my gym time.

So I’ve done what I can to get the best “bang for my buck” in as little time as possible.

This isn’t such a bad idea during regular weeks, either. (Side note I usually resort to one of these routines 1-2x/week because I’m still phasing out the snooze button! )

I like to keep these fun, playful, different and fast-paced.

On the days I have to resort to these I let myself free-wheel it and try new things.


Here’s what a typical burst circuit series looks like for me:

  1. 1200m row on highest resistance, in as little time as possible (usually takes me a little under 5 minutes)
  2. Circuit 1
    1. TRX knee tucks
      • Usually have feet on ball or in TRX straps and bring into chest, 15-20 reps (go for max with good form)
    2. Plyo lunges (with med ball)
      • 10 reps each leg, alternating ball at hip
    3. Renegade Row
      • 10 reps each side
  3. Circuit 2
    1. Stability ball circles
      • Forearms on ball and move in clockwise and counter-clockwise directions, keeping body as still as possible
      • 10 reps each side
    2. Wall balls 
      • 12-15 reps with heaviest ball you can manage with good form
    3. Side plank knee tucks
      • (Try putting your base arm on a medicine ball for an extra challenge)

These might not all be burst movement exercises, but this takes 15-20 minutes and leaves you pretty gassed. When short on time and you want a full-body routine, give this a go. Highly recommended.

“Some of the moments I’ve had here at Augusta that maybe I haven’t enjoyed as much and how stupid I really was trying to fight against something that you can’t fight. And how proud I was of accepting things. And this week, I’ve done that better than I ever had.” – Sergio Garcia, after winning the 2017 Masters
Accept where you are, friends. It’s exactly where you need to be.
Questions? Don’t hesitate to reach out. The best way to find me is on Twitter orInstagram.
Miss last week’s email? Read it here.
Until next week!